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Her cool breasts were pressed up against his back and the fabric of the dress ruffled in the uneven wind of wherever they were.I embraced Mary and kissed her deeply.I will go into the bar first and check the guy oot.But she's not in the Temple, you're hearing her in the real world; it must be morning already.as i thought that Sue gently extracted the doggystyle tail and plug, leaving my gaping hole exposed to him... i closed my eyes and tried to ignore the humiliation as he mounted me and buried himself amateur deep inside my open ass hole,, no mercy as he humped with every bit of aggression he could muster, as the knot formed and his seal filled my hole i felt the flood of dog sperm inject directly into my cavity,, so full and so black hot.I shifted my gaze to the monitor to find only one image … interracial my pussy homemade with the snake’s head at the opening, flicking its tongue against my dripping pussy.Please?
And she winked at Shyamala . She put heavy make up on my face ,so much cheap make up that I looked like a real whore .Shyamala gave a evil smile looking at me and said come on priya it's time . # The housewife from high society to whore part 3 #eroticI locked the door and we all started towards the lift this is the first time in my whole life that I steeped out without wearing the bra and that too with a see through blouse, I thought that I can manage to cover my breasts with the pallu,but the pallu is very silky and the Swapna didn't allow me to put the pallu pin . I called my driver deepak he is young man of 22 yrs old when he is opening the door he was stunned to see that his conservative madam dressed like a cheap whore I try to act like it's not big deal and Shyamala teased him saying close your mouth or else the flies will get inside it. He blushed ,Swapna and Shyamala both laughed cheaply . When I got inside the car I asked deepak to go the Bluestar lodge he was surprised ,he asked me why mam you want to go there it's a bad place it's a brothel exactly . I know what it is ,I have a case so that's why I am dressed like this so that they can allow me to enter . Deepak nodded . The security asked us to get down and asked three of us to come inside the security room and the male security guards frisked us inside the security room no need to say how much time they frisked me .They were two guards and to my surprise they both frisked me as I don't want to lose my chance to enter the lodge, I acted like I have no objections .We went to the main gate of the lodge . Deepak opened the car door for us both Shyamala and swapna got down first and when I got down my saree caught in the door, deepak pressed the auto lock and was walking while I was trying to take my pallu all the people who were outside the lodge and the cheap people who were loitering in front of the lodge got a good view of my see through boobs, I shouted to deepak to press the unlock car button he turned back and came running towards me ,he stopped and standing there he smiled saying that it was funny to see me with one hand holding the pallu and the other hand trying to cover my bare boobs deepak looked at me and said you should have wore the bra mam anyway your looking very beautiful without it and he is staring at my boobs . I said just shut up and open the car door he smiled a little and opened the door and I take the pallu and covered myself as fast as I can .But I think the damage has already been done .All the people in front of the lodge had a glimpse of my boobs .The madam is watching from the top of the building window while I was adjusting she was doggystyle checking me out . All three of us went inside the building to my surprise it doesn't look that bad it looked like a nice and decent lodge with lot of rooms and there were sofas in the hall where prostitutes were seated and they were all busy chatting with each other and laughing cheaply . While I was getting upstairs I saw Raghunath (colony president ) just coming out of the room and he came close to me and said what are you doing here Priya . I said I had a case and I came for that .Raghunath :he said this place also have male prostitutes you know if you want Priya: ( in a little serious way ) no thanks Raghunath: anyway if you want any help just ask Priya : I think I can manage . Raghunath was looking at my dress . He said you look very beautiful I think I gave this saree to Swapna . Swapna who said to me in my ear that he was one of her previous clients and he gave her that saree .He said the saree material is looking apt on you . I on the other hand just standing there don't know what to do while he asked Swapna but don't you think that I told you that when you wear this saree that you should not wear any bra . Why would you give it to Priya she is so shy she will always wear the bra . Swapna and Shyamala both said no she is not like that anymore she is changed .Raghunath: what? are you saying that she is not wearing any bra Swapna said yes .Raghunath : I don't believe you .Shyamala who is getting irritated by this whole conversation removed my pallu in one quick flash and thrown it down to the floor .Raghunath has his face seem like he has seen a bag full of gold he said Fantastic and he was clapping looking at my breasts through see through blouse . With that clapping all the people turned towards me and they were looking at me and my are boobs I put my head down feeling embarrassed . He came near me and put my chin up and he kissed me on my lips and said Don't be shy Priya you have beautiful breasts ,bye Priya looking forward to meet you again and he left laughing . I looked angrily at Shyamala Shyamala who was scared a bit due to my angry face said sorry that old man is a pain in the ass, that's the only way we can get away from him . I said fine but don't do these kind of things from now on . She said ok and put a finger on her lips . We all three went to the room where the madam is staying . Madam looked at Swapna angrily and asked us who we are and what do we want ?.As both Swapna and Shyamala were terrified by her I sat down and said that I am a lawyer and that I came here because I want you to give the money you owe Swapna because of her services otherwise I will make police come and raid this place .She thought for a bit and said let me talk with Shyamala and Swapna you take a drink and asked her peon to bring the drink and she took Shyamala and Swapna inside the room . While I was sitting there the peon came to me and offered a drink . I took the drink and slowly started drinking it . It's brandi . I used to drink for social conventions so it's no big deal . # The housewife from high society to whore part 4#eroticPlot :I finished my drink three of them came back and madam sat next to me took my hand and asked for time to give the money back and said it was a slight misunderstanding, that she will give the money she can give the money today but there is one problem . Priya : what ? Madam: as you know we are a brothel agency we need to send new models pictures everyday to our clients .Otherwise they will not pay the money .Generally they transfer the money online they are from Malaysia srilanka . today our new model didn't came .Priya: so what you want to do?Madam: I don't know Is money urgent for you ? Swapna: yes I need it as soon as possible .Madam : then there is one thing we can do ? Priya : what ? Madam : why don't You do a photoshoot ?Priya: No I can't . Why don't you ask Swapna Madam : ooo don't be stupid ( she the cheap whore calling me stupid ) Swapna already send them pics Priya : oooo I see but I am not a prostitute Madam: you don't need to do anything all you have to do is just pose for a few hot shots and then we will send them . Priya: no I am a respected lawyer and I won't do this Madam: they don't know it was you we will put a lot of make up and completely transform you into some other girl . We are sending those pics to different country so you have no trouble . Priya : hmmm, i don't know . What kind of pics you wantsMadam: you know just the regular mini skirt shots Priya : what ?mini skirts ? I am shy girl I never wore a skirt which is above my knee cap after I got married . Madam: ooo come on you are a modern girl don't tell me you never posted bikini shots when you are in beach with your friends in social networking sites . Priya: I did, but those are when I was a teen and in my college not when I became a lawyer. Both Swapna and Shyamala were listening to our conversation Madam said if you do the shot they will give the money and I will transfer the amount today itself to Swapna how's that ? Swapna said wow that's awesome Pls Priya madam just a few shots of mini skirt pics it's no big deal . I told madam fine but what if they wanted me to sleep with one of your clients . madam gave a smile and told me that's no big deal I simply tell them that it's not possible because you joined some other agency . I was in a dilemma and I don't know what to do ,then Swapna persuaded me saying it's no big deal mam I did it previously it will only take 2 hours and then we can finish this deal as madam will give my money back and more over they don't know it was you because of the heavy make up . I always have a fantasy of me being the supermodel as most of my friends told me that modelling can always be my back up career option as I look hot I would simply blush at their suggestions. I keep thinking about my college days then madam said is it ok ? Priya I said fine what the hell lets do it . Shyamala said Priya I should go I have work to do .I said fine .she said good byes to madam and Swapna and left the place . I was feeling vulnerable and nervous I was wondering how I was transformed from being the demanding woman to simply a another village model within few minutes before the madam . May be this is how she will lure girls into prostitution . But I kept thinking I am not black some stupid girl I am an intelligent, smart and hot woman and these filthy people can never lay a finger on me in their life's.I kept thinking that I will finish the photoshoot with simple short skirts and get out of here . Madam asked Swapna to get me ready and she told Swapna what ever she needs the peon will provide her. Madam said that she will call the photographer in the mean time. I said who is the photographer ?It's Raghunath Raghunath !our colony president . Madam: yeah that's right . He is the one who will do all the models photoshoot from the beginning he is also the one who takes the virginity of the girls when they come here for the first time .He took mine when I was younger you should be happy and be blessed to be fucked by him he is a great fucker he will fuck the brains out of you,his sperm also takes good .Priya: ( I didn't know what to say ?in an arrogant way ) I said no need .Madam : trust me you like his dick you will know how it is in the coming days (she laughed mischievously )Priya : I blushed and said I don't think so .Madam : come on get ready it's getting late remove the saree.I said can we do it in the room come on Priya we are all girls and she came near me and took my saree off very quickly, I was standing in my see through bra and the petticoat . she called Swapna and ordered her to get me ready .Swapna who was talking with one of her clients in the room came out of the room . Ooo my god, I should do wear a mini skirt and do poses for raghunath my confidence which is at 10 when I wanted to do the photoshoot came to zero . I was ashamed and embarrassed to be posing in mini skirt in front of him . I cursed myself for letting me to be in this situation . What a lucky bastard he is I thought .The womam whom he is trying to lure since I moved into the colony was voluntarily stripping before him and posing in half naked dress . Swapna went inside the studio room and shouted Priya ( there is no respect what so ever in her voice) .I get up like a scared girl and started walking towards the room . The peon who is kind of a midget gave a evil smile looking at me as I was half naked with just a bra and petticoat . He is staring at my breasts . I put my head down and went inside the room . Raghunath uses Priya to drink his pee in front of his friends at his house while having drinks and she also pees in front of them and Raghunath asks her to (pee )go in the floor before them and asks her to clean it while they were drinking beer. # The housewife from high society to whore in colony part 5#eroticAs I walked into the studio peon said to Swapna this randi is very hot when will I get to fuck her ,She laughed and said wait ,you will get your turn . I said what are you saying ? Swapna Naaaa I am just teasing him I also let a cheap smile . Swapna asked peon what dresses you want her to wear .Peon : actually nothing ( he smiled) Swapna : I know that but what would you like her to put on .Peon: I don't know wait I will call Raghunath sir and let you know He took the mobile and went out . I was standing there like a little girl Swapna came to me and without saying anything she removed my petticoat and when she was removing see through blouse I objected . She said it's no big deal your blouse is not covering anything and she forcefully removed it from my shoulders . While she was doing it the midget peon was slightly laughing and talking on the phone . He came near me looking at my bare breasts and said to Swapna that I had a very big ass and beautiful breasts . He asked me to turn around I was looking at Swapna she said ooo come on just turn around .I turned around he was so short that his face was exactly facing my ass . He touched my panties . I scolded him what are you doing ? Peon : nothing I am just checking for your Pantee size .I said : large But before saying that he has already opened my Pantee backside and has looked inside .Swapna was just doing something at the dressing table while this guy was looking at my ass crack . I was in shock when he opened it I was out of words to say anything to him I was just signalling Swapna with my eyes to come to my rescue . Swapna glanced over and saw my discomfort and came near to peon and hit his hand with her hand like a slap and said to him don't scare her you idiot it's her first time . Swapna : don't worry Priya it's nothing he is little slow he doesn't understand .Priya : I recovered from shock and said its ok .Swapna asked peon so what did the Raghunath sir said ?Peon : he wanted her to dress in a school uniform Swapna : wow that's a interracial good look for you Priya don't you think .(I was thinking in my mind that bastard he knows how class woman I am and he wants me to dress like a little school girl from a dominating lawyer to a little girl sucking a candy( secretly I admired his contradiction) but what a sick pervert he is .I am lawyer not some silly college model ooooo God help me today ) Priya : ok Swapna whatever you want .Swapna : thanks Priya madam I won't forget what you are doing for me I will return the favour . ( what favour will she return is it sexual favour ????)Swapna said ok now first let's start with the hair style ,I said why don't we start with the dress as I was still covering my bare breasts with my hands . She said noo, first we will do the hair otherwise the oil and all will ruin the costume . I said fine do it quickly ( I told her In a authoritative way ) swapna said what's the hurry princess, it's not your court, you are not the madam or the lawyer who is in power here and while saying that she took off my petticoat in one movement I turned like a top the kids used to play in childhood . Now I am only in my pantees and see through blouse the peon who sat their drinking tea laughed looking at me get stripped . I asked her why did you do that in a slow voice She said to teach you some manners A decent lady should not be authoritative and should not speak in that tone she should obey what others tell her in this house do you understand Priya I said sorry don't be harsh with me I will obey to what you say Swapna see that's the good girl all we should do to make you submissive is to show you some dominance, one more thing while Raghunath ji is working he will be very strict just do what he says without objecting much . (I was thinking what is amateur there to object I will be doing a simple photoshoot a doubt raised in my mind is it going to be just a photoshoot ) She looked at the peon and said isn't it peon ji .He said yes sir is very strict .I said ok Swapna . Peon who finished his tea says now Randi why don't you go down and bring the water and some biscuits for me from the kitchen lady downstairs . I said what !why are you calling me randi( I controlled myself and didn't homemade scold him because of what Swapna said previously about not being showing attitude and all ) .Swapna intervened and said its ok Priya he calls all the girls randi that's no big deal ignore him and just bring him the biscuits and water like a good randi ( she said in a teasing voice) .I don't know I am also feeling horny may be because of my half nakedness and my exposure to cheap people and letting my inhibitions go for the first time in my life I said to Swapna ok randi . ( I laughed I was letting myself go may be I was becoming like her ) She who was busy with make up stuff came near me and pinched my butt . I moaned . Peon who is watching us told me randi go and bring what I asked other wise I will hit you What that midget is going to hit me no way I just thought all was this as a role play and said fine, I bring it let me get dressed .Peon : what dressed go out now But I am not dressed I am half naked at least let me cover my boobs . Peon : come hear take my shirt .but first you have to kiss me .I said what ! Or you I'll be going downstairs without a shirt . I simply nodded my head and agreed .He asked me to come near him and asked me to kneel to match his height when I kneeled he pulled my face and kissed me so hard ( French kiss ) the moment our lips touched he put his dirty tea tasting tongue into my mouth and was rotating it in my mouth like he was searching for something with a torch ( I laughed inside with this thought while he was holding my head and pulling my hair hard I was unable to breath he was very good kisser he then released me and asked me to take the shirt of him . I catch my breath and unbuttoned his shirt while I am taking it off he asked me how was the kiss.I told him that's the hardest kiss I ever had he asked but how was it ? I said its a little rough but it's good and blushed .He laughed and called Swapna and asked me to tell her again what I told him . Swapna was looking at me rather in a irritated way because she was busy with make up stuff I told Swapna that the kiss was good and hide my face with my hands Swapna said ok so what and she went back .peon was laughing while I was hiding my face I forgot that my bare breasts were right in front of him he took my breasts each with his tiny little hands and started pressing them like they were wheat flour . I was shocked with his behaviour and tried to get away from him . But both of my breasts were held hard by him . I stayed like that ,kneeling before him while he was pressing my breasts . Let me tell you even though his hands were tiny he has a very firm grip . He massaged them for quite sometime while I closed my eyes and was moaning saying ahhha, ahhhhha.

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